In order to achieve these goals, the French Red Cross Foundation has been provided with governance bodies to match its ambitions. Presided by Professor Jean-Jacques Eledjam, President of the French Red Cross, its board of administrators is made up of committed professionals and experts in humanitarian and social action. They work hand in hand with a scientific council composed of renowned and specialised researchers from several continents, who ensure the interdisciplinary nature of the Foundation.

Board of Administrators

Bureau Members

Philippe DA COSTA – President
President of the French Red Cross
Secretary of the CESE
President of the Scientific and Orientation Council of INJEP

Françoise FROMAGEAU – Vice-President
Vice-president of MONALISA

François GAUTHEY – Treasurer
Engineer (Ecole Polytechnique – Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées)
Partner at Priscus Finance

Hubert PENICAUD – Secretary
National referent for associative life of France Bénévolat
Member of the High Council for Associative Life (HCVA)

Réunion de la gouvernance de la Fondation Croix-Rouge

Board Members

Cécile APTEL
Professor of International Criminal Law
Deputy Director at UNIDIR

Head of strategy, Hungry & Foolish Agency – Paris

Françoise MALRIEU
Vice-president of the French Red Cross

Christine  ROBICHON

Philippe RYFMAN
Honorary Professor and Research Associate in the Political Science Department and the European Centre of Sociology and Political Science at the Sorbonne (CESSP-Sorbonne), Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne

Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
Represented by Anne RASMUSSEN
Historian, Director of Studies at the EHESS

Ecole des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP)
Represented by Sylvie OLLITRAULT
Doctor of Political Science, Director of Research at EHESP

Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
Represented by Florence BIOT
Head of Philanthropy – Foundation Development IRD – French National Institute for Sustainable Development

Government Commissioner
Philippe VIGNES

Scientific Committee

Laurent VIDAL – President
Doctor of anthropology at the University of Paris Descartes – Sorbonne, holder of a HDR from the EHESS, graduated from the national institute of oriental languages and civitizations (INALCO), and Research Director at the IRD.

Francis AKINDES – Vice-President
Professor of Political and Economic Sociology, Alassane Ouattara University, Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire

Independent international expert in anti-corruption, International Anti-Corruption Academy (Austria), Former Under-Secretary General, Governance and Management Services International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Geneva)

Director of the World Studies Centre at the FMSH, Director of Research at the IRD, CEPED (Paris 5 Descartes University), Visiting Professor at Columbia University (New York)

Professor of Medicine, Member of the French National Academy of Medicine, National Administrator for the French Red Cross

Senior Consultant, Raoul Dandurand Chair in Diplomatic and Strategic Studies Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

Alain DAOU
Doctor in International Management, American University of Beirut (Lebanon)

Professor of Economics at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Vice-President of the Cercle des Economistes

Professor of Medicine in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University and University Hospital of Montpellier, Director of the Translational Research Unit on HIV and Infectious Diseases under the supervision of the University of Montpellier, INSERM and IRD

Sociologist, Director of Studies at EHESS and Director of Research at CNRS (France)

Professor of the Social Anthropology of Development, University of Liège (Belgium)

Jocelyn RAUDE
Research Professor in in social psychology at EHESP (France)

Sandrine REVET

Doctor of anthropology et research director at the CERI Sciences Po Paris.


Clinical psychologist, university professor at INALCO and director of the Convergences Migrations Institute.

Marc-Henry SOULET 

Full Professor of Sociology, holder of the Chair of Social Work and Social Policy at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

Associate Professor of Political Science, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Juridical Sciences, Université Abdou Moumouni in Niamey (Niger)

Humanitarian historian, lecturer-researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (Switzerland)

Recent political and humanitarian events remind us of the relevance of the research priorities chosen by the French Red Cross Foundation, be they humanitarian transition, ethical principles for action or the close relationship between humanitarian and social missions. The most important issue is always to innovate in the fight against human vulnerabilities. All the responsibility of the Scientific Committee is to ensure the selection and follow-up of the research carried out in order to guarantee its quality and relevance.

Prof. Jean-François Mattei

Former President of the Scientific Committee