Discover the results of research supported by the French Red Cross Foundation in a variety of multimedia formats.


The podcast series En-Quête d’Humanité

Discover the Foundation’s new podcast series, which aims to embody research based on a field project, the portrait of a researcher and the contribution of his or her findings for humanitarian and social action practitioners. Available in French on all platforms.

En-Quête d’Humanité is produced in partnership with

Episode 9

Listening to Julie Duflos, PhD in Sports Science and Techniques (STAPS), specialist in the effects of physical and sports activities on people in highly vulnerable situations.

May 14th, 2024

Find out more about Julie Duflo’s research project

Episode 8

Listening to Georges Djohy, PhD in social anthropology, specialist in rural economics and sociology.

May 14th, 2024

Find out more about Georges Djohy’s research project

Episode 7

Listening to Aude Sturma, PhD in environmental sociology, specialist in the links between health and the environment.

May 14th,2024

Find out more about Aude Sturma’s research project

Episode 6

Listening to Lauriane Dos Santos, PhD in sociology, specialist in issues relating to territories, societies and development

October 9th, 2023

Episode 5

Listening to Thibaut Besozzi, PhD in sociology, specialist in homelessness issues

October 9th, 2023

Episode 4

Listening to Toily Anicet Zran, PhD in health history, specialist in infectious disease issues

October 9th, 2023

Episode 3

Listening to Aissa Diarra, doctor of medicine and socio-anthropology, specialist in maternal health issues in Africa

May 9th, 2023

Find out more about Aissa Diarra’s research project

Episode 2

Listening to Nina Sahraoui, doctor of sociology, specialist in migration, gender and health issues

May 9th, 2023

Find out more about Nina Sahraoui’s research project

Episode 1

Listening to Annabelle Moatty, PhD in geography, specialist in individual and collective resilience.

May 9th 2023

Find out more about Annabelle Moatty’s project

The latest videos on our YouTube channel

The “First-aid gestures: realities, challenges and innovations” Instant Recherche replay – In French
Portrait of our four laureates of the 2023 Research Awards – In french
Images of the 10-year international conference (October 2023) – In french
3 minutes to understand the Foundation’s mission – In french
Replays of round-table discussions at the 10-year international conference (October 2023)
Find out more about the Bénévo’Lab program –VOSTEng