10 years of research at the heart of vulnerabilities: a formula which illustrates the tremendous progress made by our association in creating an open and independent space, capable of giving rise to a new voice at the service of humanitarian and social action.

By supporting researchers with diverse backgrounds, by linking operational and academic worlds and by opening up internationally, we have been promoting research rooted in reality for a decade, in a context of unprecedented breakdowns and fragility. Recognised as being of public utility, the Foundation is now an integral part of a multidisciplinary ecosystem which allows the French Red Cross to take a step back from the past in order to better understand, better adapt and therefore better act.

These ten years are an opportunity to pursue and amplify this remarkable dynamic, with the aim of better understanding and addressing the major changes that our societies are going through.

Philippe Da Costa

Throughout the year 2023, follow the Foundation’s “special 10 years” EVENTS and PUBLICATIONS

The Foundation launches its PODCAST and gives researchers a voice

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Foundation presents its brand new podcast “En-Quête d’Humanité”!

This is an opportunity to invite researchers to share their findings on the causes, prevention and reduction of human suffering through a contextualised and refined reflection on the needs of populations.

Sciences and humanities, let’s advance the reflection!

Rediscover the ESSENTIAL of 10 years of research in each of our priority themes

Each month, we offer you a selection of our most emblematic works (scientific articles, videos, podcasts, events and meetings).

Humanitarian Transition

@Georges Djohy
  • Discover the video portrait of Dorothea HILHORST, Professor of humanitarian studies.

Access to healthcare

  •  Listen to the original podcast with Aissa Diara, doctor and socio-anthropologist.

  • Discover the video portrait of Khoudia SOW, Health anthropologist.

@Anette Selmer-Andresen / IFRC


@Johannes Chinchilla / IFRC

  • Discover the video portrait of Michel Agier, Anthropologist and winner of a Foundation research award in 2022.

Disasters and climatic risks

  • Listen to the original podcast with Annabelle Moatty, Geographer, specialist in individual and collective resilience issue

  • Discover the video portrait of Sandrine Revet, Anthropologist and winner of a Foundation research award in 2019.

@ Arie Kievit

Housing and homelessness

@ Michele Squillantini

  • Discover the portrait of statistician Maryse Marpsat, winner of a Foundation research award in 2018.

  •  Discover the project of Julie Duflos, PhD in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) through an interview on the role of sport in social reintegration.


@Jean-Lionel Dias/Croix-Rouge française

Old age and social isolation

Pôle intergénérationnel Nantes_Crédit Christophe Hargoues
@Christophe Hargoues


  • Read Pratiques & Humanités by Alexandra RAZAFINDRABE, Doctor of Economics : Soon available


Take part in our REFLECTIONS on the role of research in humanitarian and social action

Webinars “L’Instant Recherche”

An online scientific debate on Zoom with specialists in the field. Open to all, with registration.

  • “Resilience & disasters” on 6 June from 5pm to 6.30pm
  • “Gender and humanitarian action” on 14 November from 5pm to 6.30pm
International Conference “Humanitarian Transition: current status of a concept being challenged by crises”

In 2023, the Foundation is celebrating ten years of research at the heart of vulnerability in France and abroad. To mark the occasion, it is organizing an international conference in Paris on Thursday October 26, in partnership with the IRD and Sciences Po’s School of International Affairs.

This conference was the culmination of a series of events and publications throughout 2023, with the aim of taking stock of ten years of research and looking to the future. Throughout the day, 5 thematic roundtables examined the concept of humanitarian transition in the light of recent major crises. The publication “L’Essentiel, 10 ans de recherche au cœur des vulnérabilités” (The Essential: 10 years of research at the heart of vulnerability), bringing together elements of capitalization and avenues for better understanding and action, was officially launched on the same day.