The Essentiel Scientifique : 10 years of research
Essentiel Scientifique: 10 Years of Research, Going to the Heart of Vulnerabilities is a groundbreaking book to mark the Foundation’s 10th anniversary (2013-2023). Its brings together both elements of capitalization and forward-looking perspectives, on the priority research themes and territories of the Foundation.
Les Papiers de la Fondation
The Papiers de la Fondation are articles written each year by the researchers supported by the Foundation. They present the findings of their research. As working papers, they are written according to academic standards for both specialised and general audiences, in order to foster wider debates.
The Practices & Humanities serie
The “Pratiques et Humanités” are synthetics documents, with a view to disseminating the results of the research we support, in the form of a 4-page leaflet. These synthetic briefs aim to disseminate the results of the research we support, in the form of a 4-page leaflet. The purpose is to make these results clearer and more accessible, while paying attention to the practical implications of research findings for humanitarian or social actors.
The Devenir humanitaire collection
The Devenir humanitaire collection, directed by the Foundation in partnership with Editions Karthala, brings together a series of volumes based on the seminars organised each year by the Foundation. Thanks to Edition Karthala’s distribution networks, these volumes are available in France, but also in bookshops throughout Africa.
Humanitarian Alternatives
Humanitarian Alternatives is an internationally-oriented bilingual review of debate and research dedicated to humanitarian action. It was created in 2016 in partnership with a number of foundations and enriched by a vast network of universities and partner institutions. The review is published three times a year, and its articles are available online.