The Pratiques & Humanités series regroups synthetic documents that aim to communicate the results of research supported in the form of a 4-page leaflet. Its goal is to make these results more accessible, in a clear style, without the use of jargon or overly theoretical terms, and with a focus on the practical implications of the research results for humanitarian or social actors.

N° 39 - July 2024

The Langue de Barbarie – exposed and vulnerable

Modou NDIAYE, Doctor in Geography and Postdoctoral Researcher at Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar)

N°16 - November 2022

The most vulnerable to the dangers of polluted water

Aude STURMA, sociologist of the environment, contractual researcher CNRS - CERTOP   In French only, translation in progress

N°14 - November 2022

Shelter organizations face sustainable refugee settlement

Nicole Tabet, Architect and urban planner, PhD in Geography, Associate researcher at the Laboratoire Territoires, Villes, Environnement et Société of the University of Lille   In French only, translation in progress

N°13 - October 2022

Aging well among isolated migrants: a new challenge for health prevention

Gloria FRISONE, docteure en anthropologie sociale et ethnologie (EHESS), chercheuse associée du CESPRA et enseignante d’anthropologie médicale à l’Université de Milan-Bicocca.   In French only, translation in progress

N°8 - Septembre 2022

Volunteers: why and what for?

Bénédicte BONZI, docteure en anthropologie, EHESS, éducatrice spécialisée de formation.   In French only, translation in progress  

N°10 - October 2022

Migrants’ access to rights as seen by SSE actors

Cristèle BERNARD, docteure en science politique et chercheure associée au CERDAP (UGA/Science Po Grenoble)   In French only, translation in progress

N°9 - September 2022

Supporting the social connection of elderly migrants with digital inclusion

Emmanuel NIYONSABA, docteur en sociologie, Université Le Havre Normandie   In French only, translation in progress

N°7 - September 2022

Civic service by and for refugees: a new challenge for popular education and migrant support associations

Florence IHADDADENE, docteure en sociologie, maîtresse de conférences en sociologie, université de Picardie Jules Verne, CURAPP, chercheure associée à l'IDHE.S   In French only, translation in progress

N°6 - September 2022

What discomfort among Comorian Red Crescent volunteers after Covid-19?

Annabelle JACCARD, psychologue clinicienne, docteure en psychopathologie et psychanalyste   In French only, translation in progress

N°4 June 2022

Mauritania, Mali, Niger: how to help women control their fertility

AÏSSA DIARRA Malienne, médecin, anthropologue de la santé, chercheure et responsable du pôle santé au Lasdel (Laboratoire d’études et recherches sur les dynamiques sociales et le développement local), Aïssa Diarra a vu son projet sélectionné en 2020 par la Croix Rouge française et l’Agence française de développement qui ont financé ses recherches au Mali, en Mauritanie et au Niger