RC3 (Red Cross Red Crescent Consortium) is the research consortium of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (RCRC). It is a network of entities and initiatives, created in 2019 within the International Movement, that are dedicated to conducting and promoting research in the humanitarian field. The consortium is based on the idea that science can improve the quality of humanitarian services and help the RCRC Movement respond to growing global humanitarian challenges. The RC3 works with National Societies, the International Federation and the ICRC to help them build safer, more resilient and more sustainable communities based on scientific results.
… to advance humanitarian practices
Centers, foundations, research departments, academies, hubs, and laboratories – today, there are 21 entities with diverse methodologies, research area, and themes, united within the RC3, to collaborate on the challenges of the Movement RCRC. They provide National Societies with numerous resources (scientific content, editorial tools, analyses, organization of events and training) in order to develop new knowledge within the Movement and to propose practical recommendations focused on the needs of the affected people. Through the concept of knowledge as a common good, the RC3 aims to improve the quality of humanitarian services and increase their impact.
The French Red Cross Foundation and the RC3
Convinced of the necessity of the humanities and social sciences to advance humanitarian practices, The French Red Cross Foundation actively participates in formulating a collective research agenda within the International RCRC Movement. It has supported, alongside the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) and the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), the creation of the RC3 Consortium, contributes to its Steering Committee and its collaborative projects.