Les Papiers de la Fondation sont des articles rédigés chaque année par les chercheurs soutenus par la Fondation. Ils présentent les résultats de leur recherche. Prenant la forme de working papers, ils sont rédigés selon des critères académiques pour des publics spécialisés ou non, afin de permettre un large débat.

N° ISSN 2649-2709

N°2 - November 2023 - Regard sur la Littérature

Strategies that support women leaders in aid organisations

• Anne-Lise DEWULF • Independent Consultant (Research, Training and Operations) • Virginie LE MASSON • ODI Research Associate

N°51 - December 2022

Appropriation and uses of a technological entity in a humanitarian context: the case of the mobile application ”First Aid”

Lukinson JEAN • Doctor in sociologie, Universiy of Limoges.   In French only, translation in progress

N°50 - December 2022

Youth employment in Agadez: strategies of local actors in the face of migration issues

• Aissata IGODOE Doctor in sociology (University Paris-Descartes)   In French only, translation in progress

N°49 - December 2022

Experiences, perceptions and resources in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic among French Red Cross volunteers

• Émilie Mosnier1, Olivia Nevissas2 1. Aix Marseille University, INSERM, IRD, SESSTIM, Health Economics & Social Sciences & Medical Information Processing, Marseille, France 2. Prospective Cooperation, Marseille, France   In French only, translation in progress

N°48 - December 2022

Working outside in the context of a pandemic: words of the “essentials

• Cyrine GARDES Doctor in Sociology, Lecturer in Sociology, University Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès / Le Mirai   In French only, translation in progress

N°46 - December 2022

Analysis of the effects of urban heat islands on the health of populations in the city of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

• Maïmouna YMBA • Lecturer-researcher, Institute of Tropical Geography (UFHB), University Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire).   In French only, translation in progress

N°45 - December 2022

Disaster memory as a lever for collective resilience? Psychosocial perspectives on resilience in Reunion Island

• Francisca ESPINOZA • Doctor in Sociology and Psychosociology University of Paris VII Member of the Institute for the History and Memory of Disasters   In French only, translation in progress

N°44 - December 2022

Reconstruction as an opportunity? Vulnerabilities and solidarities after hurricane Irma in Saint-Martin (French West Indies)

• Annabelle MOATTY • Docteure en Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire, Chercheure contractuelle, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Université Paris Cité / CNRS)   In French only, translation in progress  

N°43 - November 2022

Isolation of aging immigrants in Seine-Saint-Denis

Gloria FRISONE • Docteure en anthropologie sociale et ethnologie EHESS-CESPRA   In French only, translation in progress

N°42 - September 2022

Civic service by and for refugees: integration through volunteering?

• Florence IHADDADENE Docteure en sociologie, maîtresse de conférences en sociologie, université de Picardie Jules Verne, CURAPP, chercheure associée à l'IDHE.S   In French only, translation in progress