The French Red Cross Foundation relies on a small and committed team that mobilizes around its actions a vast network of researchers, partners and experts.

Permanent Team

Virginie TROIT

Doctor in Political Science (CERI, Sciences Po Paris)
Master’s degree from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Master’s II in management from ESC Toulouse


Vincent LEGER

Research Officer
Doctor in Anthropology


Administration and Communication Officer
Master’s degree from Université Aix-Marseille, qualified ISIT translator


Head of Development and Partnerships
Master’s degree from emlyon business school in Business Administration and Management

Photo d'équipe de la Fondation Croix-Rouge française

Associate Experts

François AUDET

Doctor of philosophy, director of the Canadian Observatory on Crises and Humanitarian Actions – OCCAH, professor at l’UQAM

Catherine BARON

Professor of Political Science at Sciences-Po, specialist of West Africa and the Great Lakes, co-supervisor of Joint African Studies at Columbia University.

Monique BEERLI

Doctor of international relations from Sciences Po Paris and the University of Geneva.

Francis BONNET

Professor of Medicine

Georges DJOHY 

Doctor in sociale anthropology from the University of Göttingen (German), Lecturer-Researcher, National School of Statistics, Planning and Demography (ENSPD), University of Parakou (UP) – Benin

Ghislaine DOUCET 

Principal Legal Adviser at the ICRC Delegation in France. Doctor of Law, specialized in international humanitarian law, terrorism, and international criminal law. Independent expert at the UN on issues related to the reparation of damages suffered by victims of acts of terrorism.

Jean-Pierre DOZON

Anthropologist and Scientific Director of the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) in Paris, Director of Research Emeritus at the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), member of the Institut des mondes africains (IMAF).


Medical anthropologist, videographer, CNRS research fellow at the Museum of Natural History, Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the Société de pathologie exotique, OMS-GOARN consultant in the framework of response to epidemics of viral haemorrhagic fevers (Ebola and Marburg).


Sociologist, Emeritus Professor at the University of Vincennes – Saint-Denis


Ethnologist, former board member (EHESS representative), specialist in the history and politics of the Horn of Africa


Doctor of Anthropology, CNRS research fellow. As Scientific advisor to the Fund in 2014, he led the scientific programme of the Dakar seminar and supervised the development of the first issue of the Devenir Humanitaire collection.


EHESS doctor, Professor of Anthropology and co-director of the Institute of Ethnology at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

Jean-Philippe GALAN

Doctor of Management Sciences, Professor at IAE Bordeaux. Director of research at the Doctoral School Entreprise Economy and Society. Involved with the French Red Cross in his own area, he is regional director of social action for the Délégation Territoriale du Tarn et Garonne and science advisor for the Direction Régionale d’Occitanie (Southern France).


Doctor of African History and Anthropology Medicine. Director of the Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Unit at Institut Pasteur in Paris.

Meglena JELEVA

Affiliated Economics Professor at the EconomiX Laboratory, Université Paris Nanterre, specialist in insurance and environmental and sanitary risk prevention.

Cheikh KANE

Climate Resilience Advisor for West Africa, Climate Centre of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


Sociologist, Director of Studies at EHESP, former member of the Board of Directors (EHESP representative), specialist in public health, innovation and the circulation of knowledge.

Annabelle MOATTY

Doctor of Geography and Regional Planning Contract researcher, Paris Institute of Earth Physics (University of Paris Cité / CNRS)

Isabelle PARIZOT 

Sociologist (Maurice Halbwachs Center), specialist in access to healthcare for people in precarious situations (Caring for the marginalized).


Doctor of health anthropology, Researcher and member of the Population and Development Center (CEPED) at the French Institute for Research in Development (IRD)


Doctor of sociology, her research interests lie at the intersection of migration sociology, gender, and health. Postdoctoral researcher at GTM-CRESPPA, CNRS, lead of the European projects CYBERGEN and GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG.

Danièle SONDAG

Doctor of Medicine and Biomedical Science, former Director-General of the Belgian Red Cross.

Toily Anicet ZRAN 

Doctor in Health History, lecturer-researcher at the Université Alassane Ouattara in Bouaké (Ivory Coast), associated with the CRECCSA (Civilizations and  African Savannah Communities Research Center )