Looking ahead to the fifth book in the Devenir Humanitaire collection, which will be published at the end of 2019, the French Red Cross Foundation launches a call for papers, to gather contributions on humanitarian transition in Cameroon. Following on from the international seminar co-organised in Yaoundé by the Foundation and the IRD in November 2018, this book will focus on the major developments, transformations and issues of humanitarian action in Cameroon. It will comprise between 8 and 10 chapters, academic articles for the most part, as well as interviews presenting the viewpoints of state and non-governmental actors. The contributions can be submitted in French or in English.

A publication codirected by
Virginie Troit (Director of the French Red Cross Foundation) and
Marie-Thérèse Mengue (Professor, Head of the Socio-Anthropology Department, UCAC Yaoundé)


Collection Devenir Humanitaire – 5th Volume – Editions Karthala

Alongside structural development challenges, Cameroon has also had to contend with several recent humanitarian crises which have further jeopardised the futures of already weakened populations. As a key player in Central Africa, Cameroon has suffered the backlash of a turbulent region. In the northern part of the country, populations are gradually recovering from attacks by Boko Haram. In the east, the sociopolitical crisis in the Central African Republic has caused movements of refugee populations within the crossborder regions. In the west, the demands of English-speaking teachers and the legal community since 2016 have given way to separatist demands, which in turn have led to internal population migrations with a host of unparalleled humanitarian needs. Cameroon has therefore become the epicentre of large-scale humanitarian intervention. As a result, the country currently presents itself as a laboratory of humanitarian transition, with a great need for analysis and reflection. Different dimensions of humanitarian transition will be explored in this book, with contributions structured around the following themes:

Understanding the actors and dynamics of humanitarian action in Cameroon

The humanitarian actors on the ground

The humanitarian sector in Cameroon is young and diverse. The national context is strongly influenced by regional tendencies and crises, which give rise to strong local specificities within the country. New actors of cooperation include public institutions, international organisations and the private sector. Who are these new actors? How do they fit into the history and architecture of the humanitarian sector in Cameroon? What are the capacities of the local actors? How do they coordinate? What partnerships are currently in place with international organisations? How are they coordinated? What are the sources of funding?

The nexus of emergencies and social action

Development issues are important factors in vulnerabilities, which are themselves at the source of the emergence or aggravation of humanitarian crises in Cameroon. The aid sector in Cameroon, confronted with crises with different timeframes, and with the juxtaposition of structural development challenges and humanitarian crises, is currently caught at the intersection between national social action policies, development assistance and humanitarian emergency aid. How can we guarantee a sustainable humanitarian action, between emergency aid and development? What continuity and complementarity can be found between national policies and international aid? How can we stop the vicious circle of crises and processes which lead to terrorism in the region? How can we better anticipate and prevent these upheavals? What continuity exists between development and emergency aid?

Analysis of evolving practices

The development of crises and actors lead to new operational practices: new partnerships, unprecedented forms of aid, new ways of welcoming refugees… Cameroon is currently at the vanguard of cash transfers, which have greatly increased in certain regions.  What are these new humanitarian practices in Cameroon? What are the impacts of these new practices, such as cash transfers, on aid organisations and aid delivery?

The complexity of multiple migrations

The presence of refugee populations in a number of territories in Cameroon increases pressure on resources, the economy, real estate… These situations can lead to instability and a feeling of injustice amongst host populations, who often lack external humanitarian aid. How can we ensure that humanitarian responses address the entirety of the populations in need? How can we coordinate the programmes of international actors and those of the public authorities? How can we respond in an adapted and coordinated way to multiple migrations?

The sanitary question, between emergency and persistent inequalities

The different crises in Cameroon, together with development issues, have created sanitary problems: epidemic risks, health systems under pressure from migrant flows, significant obstacles in access to care… Who are the actors of health in Cameroon? How do humanitarian NGOs, local associations and public authorities collaborate? How can we encourage better access to care for all, and sustainable solutions?

Submitting an article proposal

If you are an actor, researcher or observer in the humanitarian and social sector in Cameroon, and you wish to submit an article proposal, please send a summary or detailed plan (2 pages maximum) before May 31st 2019 to:

Vincent Léger, Research Officer


The deadline for sending the final article is July 29th 2019 at midnight. Articles must be roughly 20 000 characters (spaces not included), and respect the bibliographical norms imposed in the context of the “Devenir Humanitaire” collection.


The Devenir Humanitaire Collection

Partenaire Fondation Croix-Rouge Editions Karthala


• Characters: 20,000 (spaces not included)

• Proposal Deadline: 31 May 2019

• Article Submission: 29 July 2019

• Language: French or English