Citizen engagement for Ukrainians: a response outside the big cities
“The main aim of this research is to understand how citizen solidarity with Ukrainian exiles is deployed outside France’s major cities, particularly in rural areas.”
This research falls within the fields of hospitality and reception in the context of migration, and aims to observe and understand a diversity of initiatives linked to the reception of exiles from Ukraine from 2022 onwards. It aims to highlight their operating mechanisms and the difficulties they face, particularly in rural environments.
More broadly, this research is part of the study of international migration, and the analysis of citizens’ commitments to hospitality and humanitarian aid outside the big cities. In this way, the specific nature of sparsely populated areas is analyzed through the prism of hospitality.
How do Ukrainian exiles outside the big cities develop their solidarity? How do they deal with the specificities of a welcome in a rural environment or in a medium-sized town? What are the main difficulties faced by these volunteers?
The research results should shed light on the relationship between civil society and institutional players, and how this relationship can evolve to facilitate the provision of humanitarian aid, particularly in rural areas and small towns, but also on the outskirts of medium-sized cities.
Jordan Pinel is a geographer, post-doctoral fellow in the ANR ELVIS project, associated with the Unité de recherche sur le vieillissement (URV- Cnav) where he works on socio-spatial inequalities in aging. His thesis work focused on retirement migration from France to Morocco, analyzing the career paths of French and Moroccan retirees, wintering or living in the Souss-Massa region. His recent publications focus on residential strategies in retirement and on habitat and home in migration. He has also worked on issues of hospitality and reception in migration. He is also a fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations and an associate member of MIGRINTER (UMR 7301).