Each year, the French Red Cross Foundation rewards the most innovative research projects, promising young researchers and committed careers that put research at the service of the most vulnerable. This year, the Foundation awarded its research prizes to Mamane Sani Souley Issoufou, Carolina Kobelinsky and Vinh-Kim Nguyen for their commitment to social science research.


Award in our research area “Acces to health”

Dr Mamane Sani Souley Issoufou

for his work documenting the real practices of stakeholders and micro-reforms, in the service of improving the quality of care.

Watch the video portrait of Mamane Sani Souley Issoufou – In french only

Award in our research area “Migrations”

Dr Carolina Kobelinsky

for her research which offers a reflection on the violence of the contemporary border regime and thus proposes to rethink the meaning of migration when it is done at the risk of death.

Find the video portrait of Carolina Kobelinsky – In french only

Honorary award

Dr Vinh-Kim Nguyen

for its entire research journey devoted to the analysis of humanitarian aid, development and international public health, as well as its commitment to the rights and access to treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Watch the video portrait of Vinh-Kim NGUYEN – In french only

About the Foundation’s award

At the heart of the French Red Cross Foundation’s engagement, there lies a conviction: in order to alleviate suffering, it is necessary to understand its contexts and to take the time to analyse the responses, whilst collaborating as closely as possible with vulnerable populations.

In keeping with this engagement, the Foundation’s mission is to support social science research on humanitarian and social action, notably by awarding several Research Awards each year.

Through these awards, the Foundation aims to reward scientific excellence and human engagement. Open to all humanitarian and social science subjects and to all nationalities, the French Red Cross Foundation’s Research Awards promote scientific word that is already completed, honour an exemplary career path, encourage research that is underway or highlight innovative areas of reflection, dedicated to humanitarian and social issues.