The Foundation’s Board met in early July to select the projects that will be supported by a research grant (individual or team) from the Foundation for one year (September 2023 – September 2024). The winning researchers have just begun their work. Discover the themes they will be working on.
This year, 6 grants have been awarded through several calls for applications. Congratulations to the laureates and thank you to our loyal partners, who help us support this essential research.
The winning projects (class of 2024)
- “Food sociability, a lever for social action against isolation and malnutrition in people living in poverty ? Towards a holistic and inclusive approach to food aid” (metropolitan France), research conducted by Sonia BOUIMA, a French anthropologist, with the support of the Nestlé France Foundation.
- “Engaging in refugee camps: understanding citizen solidarity practices” (metropolitan France), research conducted by Caterina GUISA, an Italian sociologist, with the support of the French Red Cross (Bénévo’Lab).
- “Technical Autonomy and Psychosocial Emancipation” (metropolitan France), research conducted by Jérémie GROJNOWSKI, a French anthropologist, with the support of the French Red Cross.
- “Networks of national and local NGOs in Cameroon and the Lake Chad Basin: between state obstruction and internal divisions” (Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria and Niger), research conducted by Léopold NGUEUTA NOUFFEUSSIE, a Cameroonian political scientist, with the support of the French Red Cross Foundation.
- “Extreme temperatures and mental health in Senegal”, research conducted by Jean-Marc GOUDET, a French sociologist, with the support of the Fondation de France.
- “Vulnerability of communities in a context of climate change in the light of social inequalities and local cultures constructions : the case of Touho in New Caledonia”, research conducted by Odile PLATTARD, a French geographer, with the support of the Fondation de France.
Top image : Michel-Djaoui