Represented by its Director-General, Virginie Troit, the Foundation took part this year in the Forum Espace Humanitaire at the Pensières in Annecy. The Forum, as ever, provided a space for productive discussions concerning new developments in humanitarian action.
From January 18th to 20th 2018, the Forum Espace Humanitaire (FEH), now in its seventh year, brought together the directors of several major international NGOs, at the premises of the Mérieux Foundation in Annecy. The FEH, which was created in 2009, aims to enable direct conversations and group work in smaller numbers on the subject of developments in the humanitarian sector.
Virginie Troit, the Director-General of the Foundation, attended the event, following on from previous representation of the French Red Cross Fund. She led a workshop on the relationships between NGOs and private sector players, which concern a number of participants in the sector.