In order to pursue its mission of stimulating debate between researchers, civil society representatives and institutional actors in this period of health crisis, the Foundation has created a new videoconference event, l’Instant recherche. It is now a necessity to allow for meetings and dialogue between committed specialists and to promote open, free and demanding exchanges, where the diversity of knowledge, practices and principles allows the emergence of innovative models.


On 3 November, the first edition of l’Instant Recherche took place, bringing together four researchers via videoconference to discuss the social science perspective on epidemics in Africa:

  • Abdoulaye Touré, Lecturer in Public Health and Director of the National Institute of Public Health of Guinea, laureate of the Foundation’s 2020 Research Prizes,
  • Emilie Mosnier, Doctor in Medicine and Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Public Health, laureate of the Foundation’s 2020 Research Fellowships,,
  • Olivia Nevissas, Anthropologist involved in emergency and post-emergency programmes within the NGOs Médecins du Monde France and Handicap International,
  • Alexandra Razafindrabe, PhD in Economics and researcher at the Centre of Economy and Ethics for the Environment and Development of Madagascar, laureate of the Foundation’s 2018 Research Fellowships..

In an enlightened debate, the researchers were able to exchange views on the current Covid-19 pandemic in Africa, which for the moment seems to have spared the continent relatively well, on the Ebola pandemic in West Africa, which has had a strong impact on the countries involved, on the plague in Madagascar, and on the action of the actors in charge: States, NGOs, populations and researchers. About a hundred participants were able to ask their questions via an interactive chat.

Replay the discussion

Don’t miss the next two editions of L’instant recherche, which will take place online:

  • On Tuesday 8 December, from 5 to 6.30 pm with Dr Dorothea Hilhorst, Professor of Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, to discuss humanitarian transition;
  • On Tuesday 19 January, from 5 to 6.30 pm, with Dr Yasmine Bouagga, researcher at the CNRS and specialist in the sociology of law, migration and asylum, to talk about the survival trajectories of migrants.

Mark your diary now!
Sign up for the next webinar on Tuesday 8 December “A social science perspective on local humanitarian action”.