It was during its annual Rencontres de la Fondation on 25 September at the Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris that the Foundation awarded its 2019 Research Prizes, in partnership with AXA Research Fund. Three laureates with an exemplary career were rewarded in three categories.
“Health and Social Ties” Prize
Dr Khoudia SOW
Khoudia Sow is a Sociologist, Medical Doctor and Researcher at the Regional Center for Clinical Management and Training (CRCF) of the Infectious Diseases Department at Fann Hospital in Dakar, Senegal.
She is rewarded for her transdisciplinary work in health issues and her commitment to strengthen public action through collaborations with research.
The prize was presented to her by Professor Philippe Ryfman, Professor of political science, Board member of the French Red Cross Foundation.
Seen in the press:
- Khoudia Sow, lauréate 2019 du Prix Fondation Croix-Rouge (
- Le Dr K. Sow reçoit le prix de la recherche de la Fondation Croix-Rouge (
“Humanitarian action and natural disasters” Prize
Dr Sandrine REVET
Sandrine Revet is a Doctor in Social Anthropology. Currently she serves as Research Director at the International Research Center (CERI) of Sciences Po Paris.
She is rewarded for her anthropological work on social, political and cultural actors and dynamics at work during a “natural” disaster.
The prize was presented to her by Anne-Cécile Bras, Environment Journalist, Editor-in-Chief of the radio programme “C’est pas du vent” on RFI (Radio France International).
“Honorary” Prize
Prof. Didier FASSIN
Didier Fassin is Professor of Social Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (USA) and Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.
He is rewarded for his research work on moral economies and the innovative perspective it offers on the analysis of international humanitarian aid and the treatment of poverty, immigration and asylum in France.
The prize was presented to him (via videoconference) by Professor Gilles Carbonnier, Vice-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
About the Foundation’s Research Prizes
The Research Prizes of the French Red Cross Foundation aim to promote noticeable scientific work already completed or innovative lines of reflection on humanitarian and social issues, both in the Global North and the South.
Open to all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences and to all nationalities, they reward scientific excellence and human commitment, promote scientific knowledge, ethical reflection and social innovation to advance action in the service of the most vulnerable populations.
In 2019, the jury was composed of Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent (independent international expert on anti-corruption and fraud in the aid sector, member of the Scientific Council of the Foundation), Olivier Bernard (medical doctor, graduate in medical anthropology and in public health, former president of Médecins du Monde, member of the Scientific Council of the Foundation), Marie Bogataj (Head of AXA Research Fund, partner of the Foundation’s Awards), Johanna Durand (Head of the “New Partnerships and Funding” department of IRD, Board member of the Foundation), Eloi Ficquet (Anthropologist and Historian, lecturer at EHESS, Board member of the Foundation) and Alessia Lefébure (Dean of Academic Affairs at EHESP, Board member of the Foundation).
Watch the video portraits of the 3 winners
Relive the entire ceremony
Photos credit: @Nicolas Beaumont