The Foundation’s Board met in early July to select the projects that will be supported by a research grant (individual or team) from the Foundation for one year (September 2022 – September 2023). The winning researchers have just begun their work. Discover the themes they will be working on.
This year, 12 grants have been awarded through several calls for applications. Congratulations to the laureates and thank you to our loyal partners, who help us support this essential research.
The winning projects (class of 2023)
- “Unaccompanied minors: Actors of their Identity Construction”, research supported by the French Red Cross and Sanofi and led by Ms. Ayoko Akouavi DOGBE FOLI, PhD in psychology, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and University of Lomé.
- “Autonomization of community-based organizations in Cameroon: experimentation, operational challenges and reform paths for a humanitarian transition from below”, research conducted by Mr. Jean-Emile MBA, PhD in Political Science, University of Ngaoundere.
- “The resilience of populations to the risks of flooding in the context of climate change: What adjustments should be made to humanitarian actions in the socio-ecological systems of the city of Ziguinchor (Senegal)?”, research conducted by Mr. Cheikh FAYE, PhD in Geography, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar.
- “From local capacities to decolonizing approaches: Pratiques émergentes du Centre d’étude et de coopération internationale (CECI) avec la perspective d’autonomisation des bureaux pays au Sénégal, en Bolivie et au Népal,” research conducted by Ms. Diane ALALOUF-HALL, Ph.D. in Sociology, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
- “Physical and sports activities as a means to fight against the social isolation of young homeless people”, research supported by the French Red Cross and conducted by Ms. Julie DUFLOS, PhD in STAPS, University of Artois.
- “Improvement of first aid efficiency through hybrid training”, research supported by the French Red Cross and conducted by Ms. Anne MULLER, PhD in Education Sciences, Paris-Ouest Nanterre la Défense University, France.
- “From disasters to epidemics, transposition and complementarity of integrated approaches between risk prevention, preparedness and crisis management”, research supported by the French Red Cross and the French Agency for Development and conducted by Ms. Cassandre REY-THIBAULT, PhD in Geography, teacher of French as a foreign language at the Alliance Française de Boston – French Library.
- “Des réfugiés pairs-aidants : le bénévolat par et pour les réfugiés, un modèle alternatif d’insertion ?”, research supported by the French Red Cross (PIROI) and led by Mrs. Leila DRIF, PhD student in social anthropology and ethnology, EHESS/IRIS.
- “Forms of (Re)presentation of the self and clothing imaginaries: Practices and uses of clothing in precarious situations”, research supported by the French Red Cross and conducted by Emmanuelle DURAND, doctoral student in anthropology at IRIS-EHESS, part-time teacher at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts, member of the Convergences Migrations Institute (Aubervilliers).
- “Assembling hospitality. L’accueil des personnes âgées venant d’Ukraine, exilées en France”, research supported by the French Red Cross and led by Giovanni MATERA, PhD in sociology, postdoctoral researcher Harvard University – weatherhead center for international affairs.
- “Aging in exile: Access to care and experiences of elderly Ukrainian refugees in France”, research supported by the Fondation de l’avenir pour la recherche médicale and conducted by Armelle KLEIN, PhD in Sociology-Demography, University of La Réunion.
- “Continuity of care for Ukrainian exiles in the Lyon region”, research supported by the Solimut Foundation and conducted by Ludovic JOXE, PhD in Sociology, University of Paris 5.